Blue Ridge Montessori School's Statement of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 

We believe in education for peace, justice and fostering a diverse community of ideas and beings.


We support ALL children. 

We acknowledge that each situation is unique and each individual has their own preferences and we work to accommodate and respect each individual as they are.  Diversity is not to be ignored, rather embraced. We value diversity and marvel at how it knits together who we are as individuals, a community, and the future for us all. 

We support ALL families. 

Not only are we committed to supporting the "whole child," but also their family. We recognize that each family is unique and valid. Their story has become a part of our narrative.   We work to ensure that each family feels welcomed and supported as an integral part of this community. We support each family and embrace their unique history, and partner with them to create a solid collaborative community of inclusion and diversity.

We foster empathetic, critical and socially engaged intelligence.

Ethics, empathy and diverse ideas are heavily embedded in who we are. Dr. Montessori has created a curriculum that allows for a commitment to diversity and social justice in our everyday work. As a community that is committed to fostering cultural competence and an empathetic and inclusive worldview, we work to acknowledge and utilize such a curriculum in an intentional and developmentally appropriate manner. 

Such a community and cause requires us to have the difficult conversations and embrace them, for they challenge both ourselves and others to confront their own biases and reflect to work towards a more just and empathetic future. Inclusion, diversity and equity are at the forefront of our minds, always.