Accreditations and Affiliations  


Virginia Department of education

Effective July 1, 2021, the Board of Education will be responsible for setting policy priorities for early childhood care and accountability, to be carried out by the VDOE. This creates a single point of accountability for school readiness in the Commonwealth.

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AdvancED's vision is to create a world of opportunities for every learner. They lead and empower the education community to ensure that all learners realize their full potential. 

Continuous improvement, resulting in success for all learners, is the goal of every institution. While the Improvement Journey for each institution may look different, measures of quality for learning and instruction are ever present. The AdvancED Performance Standards support this cornerstone by providing a set of evaluative criteria that lays the foundation for improvement planning and implementation.

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International Montessori Council 

The International Montessori Council (IMC) is an international organization of Montessori schools, the men and women who lead them, own them, or serve on their boards, and other organizations interested in supporting the goals of the IMC. As an independent Montessori professional and accrediting organization, the IMC serves the entire Montessori community.


Virginia Council for private education 

VCPE oversees accreditation of private preschool, elementary and secondary schools in the Commonwealth. VCPE facilitates a statewide framework for communication and cooperation among private schools, their public school counterparts, state and local governments, and other agencies and organizations.


Virginia Montessori Association 

The Virginia Montessori Association is a non-profit (501(c)3) that was established in 2015 to bring Montessorians in Virginia together and to offer a community from which we all could benefit.  Administrators, educators, parents and other supporters can connect, inform and communicate in a way that is of value to all.